The Word of God commands us to pray without ceasing (1 Th.5:17) but also not to forget any of God's blessings (Ps.103:2). Prayer and gratitude must be practiced daily by the Christian and this journal allows you to write these habits in your life. Complete, it includes pages dedicated to daily prayer with places to write down your prayer topics, your gratitude topics and what God puts on your heart when you pray.
It also has pages to give thanks to God each night by taking the time to write down the things you are grateful for, pages to write down your answered prayers, prayer journaling pages where you can talk to God through writing, pages where you can write down your prophecies to pray over and many other things.
We believe that cultivating the art of gratitude and thanksgiving on a daily basis can open the floodgates of heaven for the Christian, and this journal is the best tool for practicing this.
Content :
9 optional free (printable) and bound pages (clickable digital planner):
1. A daily prayer page
2. An “Evening gratitude” page
3. A “Weekly Reflection” page
4. A “Benefits” page
5. A “Prayer Notes” page
6. An “Answered Prayers” page
7. A “Promises of God” page
8. A “Dreams I Had” page
9. A “Positive Affirmations” page
10. A cover
✔️Can be printed (preferably choose 120g sheets)
✔️Can be used as a clickable digital diary on an iPad or Android tablet, please provide:
- Note-taking application (GoodNotes, Notability, NoteShelf /Paid)
- A tablet stylus (I recommend the original iPad Pencil if you are using an iPad)
- 129 pages
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