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(The Bride of Christ's Guide)
This book is an excellent barometer for anyone wishing to take stock of their personal relationship with Christ, the Bridegroom and the Lord. A host of tools for rebuilding, practical advice for preserving and consolidating... in short, a real survival kit for any fiancée waiting for the return of the chosen one of her heart...
Founder of Restored Bride Ministry
Towards the beginning of the year 2021, a growing desire was rising in my mind, that of progressing in the dimension of the bride. I had already been instructed in this by several biblical teachings, I prayed then that the Holy Spirit would help me to constantly prepare myself for the meeting with the Bridegroom and not to miss the oil in my lamp.
The Bride of Christ Guide was a true answer from God to my prayer. My simple belonging to Christ was no longer enough for me, the revelations of the Holy Spirit to his servant as presented in this book have revolutionized my moments of encounter with the Bridegroom. The true understanding of the oil in the parable of the ten virgins, as presented by Sister Sandra, as a beacon illuminating my communion with Christ has led me into an incessant work of much more conscious, meticulous preparation day by day.
Reading the current events troubling the world is clearer to me, there is no more time to waste in distraction or religiosity.
Often again, I reread one or the other chapter. I firmly believe that I have found there the grace to continue to grow my passion for the Bridegroom, to purify myself constantly, to beautify my interior so that truly that day, I appear in his eyes without spots or wrinkles.
This book is a response to a sigh that the Lord made rise in my heart, that of deepening my understanding of the dimension of the Bride and of entering fully into this dimension. While reading it, I could not help but take notes, and highlight, a habit that I have had for years to note what appears to me to be important for my spiritual walk, for the development of Christ in me. Yes, this book "speaks", or rather, the Holy Spirit speaks through this book which has exceeded all my expectations. It is a true practical guide to understanding and practicing the dimension of Christ but also to letting the Holy Spirit speak to us and transform us as we read by bringing us revelations, clarity on the obstacles to the manifestation of this dimension. This book has amplified my love of the Secret Place, of the Presence of the Holy Spirit, It has made me realize even more the role of the Holy Spirit, the importance of the Word and He came to confirm and establish the importance of washing one's robe every day in view of the return of the Lord. He has made me aware of the thought of eternity with the Lord. Already I notice that my thoughts have changed, my desires also and my attitude too. I do not know in what words to say it but this book is a MUST HAVE! A book that should not leave our bedside with the Bible of course. Run and get it! Times are bad and we need this kind of prophetic word that awakens, corrects, resizes, explains, challenges us, transforms us and reveals the heart of the Father to us.
Marisca HAREL
Life coach specializing in life transitions and change management.
This book, The Bride of Christ's Guide and the training allowed me to enter another dimension of intimacy and love with our Lord Jesus.
I remember that it was when I started reading this book written by Sandra Lupumba (who became a friend), GOD called me to His holy land, the verse he gave me was Exodus 24:12 - " Come up to me on the mountain and stay there" ... I can tell you that the month of December 2020 was a month that I will never forget in my life! Day and night I was in the presence of God! He made me see another side of His love, I spent whole nights with Him alone, I went to bed early at 8 p.m. to hurry to meet Him during the night!
Wow it was Glorieuuu 🙏🏼🔥🔥
Student in the training "Accessing the dimension of the Bride"
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