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Growth Program (Session 1)

  • 9 Weeks
  • 22 Steps


Session 1 Through this 8-module training, you will learn everything about the foundations of the Kingdom of God as well as its original plan for humanity. You will also know everything you need to know about the new birth, your new identity in Christ as a child of God but also, you will know what is the inheritance to which you are entitled as a new creation in Jesus Christ as well as several other notions. The modules 1. At the origins of creation 2. The new birth 3. The new identity in Christ 4. The inheritance of the new creation 5. The Kingdom of God 6. The person of the Holy Spirit 7. God, King, Sovereign and Lord 8. Taking your first steps in faith as a born-again Christian. 9. Evaluation

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



2 Plans Available, From €30.00/month


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