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I am new to ministry; the heart of the shepherd

  • 7 Weeks
  • 29 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


Jesus says in His Word that He is the good shepherd and that the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep (John 10:11). The apostle Paul tells the Thessalonians that in his great affection for them, he would have liked not only to give them the gospel of God but also his own life (1 Thess.2:8). What do these great biblical figures have to teach today's shepherd who wishes to successfully accomplish his mission and be a steward pleasing to God? What can he learn from the heart of an authentic shepherd, his role in the Old Testament and in the Church of Jesus Christ, his character, the burden that consumes him daily, etc.? How, through these figures, can he take his marks and position himself as a shepherd in the Church of the 21st century? The training is composed of 8 modules that are completed in 7 weeks. 1. The Figure of the Shepherd in the Bible 2. The Role of the Shepherd in the Church of Jesus Christ 3. The Heart of the Shepherd (According to God) 4. The Burden of the Shepherd 5. The Training of the Shepherd 6. The Character of the Shepherd 7. The Teaching of the Shepherd 8. Some Advice

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2 Plans Available, From €30.00/month


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