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Growth and Strengthening Program

This program aims to establish in the born-again Christian the foundations of the Christian faith to help him in his growth and strengthening as a disciple of Christ.

The courses are delivered in two sessions of eight modules. Each session lasts two months and is validated by an examination at the end of which a certificate of achievement is issued (group course option not available at the moment).

The training can be purchased and done freely.

NB: Payments by Moneygram are accepted.

Please send an email to specifying your identity, the transaction number and the digital item purchased. It will be sent to you by email.

Transfer coordinates:

Lupumba Lilatemi Sandra / France

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Programme de Croissance et d'Affermissement des Disciples de Christ.png

1. At the origins of creation

2. The new birth

3. The new identity in Christ

4. The legacy of the new creation

5. The Kingdom of God

6. The Person of the Holy Spirit

7. God, King, Sovereign and Lord

8. Take your first steps in faith as a born-again Christian.

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Programme de Croissance et d'Affermissem

1. The three pillars of spiritual maturity

2. Prayer in the Spirit

3. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and prayer in tongues

4. Found and build your faith on the Word of God

5. Walking in the Spirit or in the Flesh

6. The damage that the flesh causes to the soul

7. Prayer with faith

8. Night prayer and fasting

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